Order batching, routing, and picker scheduling in a warehouse by considering service level (with Saeide Hashemi and Mohammad Ranjbar)
Energy-aware flow shop scheduling with uncertain renewable energy Masoumeh Ghorbanzadeh and Mohammad Ranjbar
Multi-league sports scheduling with different leagues sizes Miao Li, Morteza Davari and Dries Goossens.
Modelling ripple effect propagation and global supply chain workforce productivity impacts Xavier Brusset, Morteza Davari, Aseem Kinra and Davide La Torre.
Scheduling a single batch machine family with non-identical job sizes and incompatible job families Fan Yang, Morteza Davari, Wenchao Wei, Ben Hermans and Roel Leus.
Exact algorithms for single-machine scheduling with time windows and precedence constraints Morteza Davari, Erik Demeulemeester, Roel Leus and Fabrice Talla Nobibon
An exact method for scheduling of the alternative technologies in R&D projects. Mohammad Ranjbar and Morteza Davari
Two branch-and-bound algorithms for the robust parallel machine scheduling problem. Mohammad Ranjbar, Morteza Davari and Roel Leus.
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