Minimizing makespan on a single machine with release dates and inventory constraints

Reference: Morteza Davari, Mohammad Ranjbar, Patrick De Causmaecker and Roel Leus. Minimizing makespan on a single machine with release dates and inventory constraints. European Journal of Operational Research 286(1):115-128, 2020

password: mortezadavari

Exact algorithms for single-machine scheduling with time windows and precedence constraints.

Reference: Morteza Davari, Erik Demeulemeester, Roel Leus and Fabrice Talla Nobibon. Exact algorithms for single-machine scheduling with time windows and precedence constraints. Journal of Scheduling 19:309-334, 2016

An exact method for scheduling of the alternative technologies in R&D projects.

Reference: Mohammad Ranjbar and Morteza Davari. An exact method for scheduling of the alternative technologies in R&D projects. Computers & Operations Research 40:395 - 405, 2013.

Two branch-and-bound algorithms for the robust parallel machine scheduling problem.

Reference: Mohammad Ranjbar, Morteza Davari and Roel Leus. Two branch-and-bound algorithms for the robust parallel machine scheduling problem. Computers & Operations Research 39:1652 - 1660, 2012.

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